2020 has been a year that will surely go down in the history books. UCT had to jump into action fast, and make decisions daily keeping the welfare of our students first and foremost, while continuing the core functioning of the university.
Generous alumni support has helped immensely in assisting students to safely travel home, or find accommodation and food security, and set up to continue classes in a virtual world sometimes with minimal resources.
And now, today, as many students are working towards year-end, we are faced with the reality of many households not being able to settle fee accounts. This has an impact on many students not being able to proceed to the next year or graduate because of fee debt. Your support could be the make or break in a student’s graduation – a potential fellow alumnus.
Consider the direct impact you could now have on an individual’s life today. If you are one of the many alumni who have assisted already – we thank you.
Buyile Shabalala benefited from the student debt relief program, which allowed him to graduate with a BSocSc in Psychology, Social Development and Gender Studies. He is currently an Honours student, studying to become a psychologist. “The bursary award arrived to me at a point where I had reached a dead end, where I could see quite clearly my dreams of graduating at UCT collapsing right before my eyes due to my financial barriers.”
If you are able to directly influence someone’s future at this time, please click the Donate button for further information, or to make a secure online donation. Every donation, no matter the size, goes towards making that difference in a student’s life.