Ways to Give

The University of Cape Town is a ‘prescribed university’ under Section VII of the Canadian Income Tax Act (Schedule VIII, item No. 19). As a qualified donee, donors to UCT through the Canadian office will receive a Canadian donation tax receipt.
All donations are sent in their entirety to the project of your choice.
Donations are processed and receipted through the Charitable Impact Foundation. No need to open an Account, give directly to “University of Cape Town”.
a) donate online (Donate button below) through the Charitable Impact Foundation who will issue you with a donation tax receipt;
b) through cheque made out to Charitable Impact Foundation, and mailed to the Charitable Impact Foundation, Suite 1250 – 1500 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6G 2Z6, together with this deposit form, indicating the donation is for the University of Cape Town.
c) through wire transfer. Email info@uctcanada.ca for banking information; or
d) make a tax effective donation of shares through the Charitable Impact Foundation. Download instruction form to complete with your broker, and email info@uctcanada.ca of your gift.
Make your contribution even more effective with a monthly donation, or ask your HR Department about Matching Gifts.
Scan the QR-Code or Click the Button to Give

Give the gift of the UCT experience through a gift in your Will.
Email info@uctcanada.ca (Di Stafford) for more information, or to set up a confidential discussion.